Fighting in the Heart of Liberal Madison for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This blog will focus on liberal hypocrisy and the small, but significant victories of the right at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

31 March 2006

"Student Government" Manifesto

Update: The Student Government has its own blog. Check it out!

Steve S. over at LIB and I have not agreed on some issues, but he has come through with one hell of a piece today in the Herald. Let’s break it apart:

The era of the Associated Students of Madison is over. ASM was a vain, bloated, corrupt and inefficient body that served no one but the resume-padding careerist hacks who profited from the corruption in which they wallowed.

Yes it was. ASM is full of students who have nothing better to do than take money from students and give it to themselves and their friends.

ASM’s bureaucracy was a corpulent mess of groups with no checks and balances in the system whatsoever. ASM holds all power — there is no appeal beyond it. The Student Judiciary can punish ASM members who break the rules, but consequences are minimal at best and can be overturned by ASM.


The current student-fee system is also out of control. There is no mechanism to even allow ASM to reject or reduce any budget. Countless money is wasted on organizations that provide no service to students. ASM’s twisted view of viewpoint-neutrality forced representatives into a position in which they could not say “no” to even the worst student organizations.

So true. Not only are they buddy-buddy with the Administration, but they are full of corrupt, power-hungry folks who try to enforce an impossible standard: viewpoint neutrality.

Candidates and groups have attempted reform for decades. Matt Modell fought vehemently for students’ rights against ASM oppression. Numerous candidates were elected last year on a reformist platform. However, these leaders have been blocked in their efforts for reform by the careerist resume-padders.This can no longer stand.

I was their during the Modell days as a Freshman Representitive. When SSFC actually cut some budgets, the corrupt SJ kicked representatives off of SSFC and reinstated the amounts. This is sickening. There is no room to cut in ASM, only add.

We will be writing a constitution that represents you. We will institute a streamlined government that strips away bureaucracy and petty infighting. We will enact major student fee reform, ensuring transparency and integrity in funding. We will guarantee clean, honest government that is competent and honest. And, at all times, we will take your feedback, opinions and input.

Some suggestions: No salaries for ANY interns or student government leaders. No full time or LTE positions paid for by ASM. And find a way to have a REAL appeals process, not one where everyone is friends with everyone else. This is a golden opportunity that must be seized. I want the Student Government to have control over my seg-fees. Talking about seg-fees, the Student Government should keep event grants, but axe travel grants! Also, a seg-fee cap would be a nice addition.

We have only one request. In your deck of cards, there is a joker card. If you are fed up with ASM’s garbage, if you don’t care about what ASM does, if you want a fresh organization that will work for your interests — pin the joker on your bag or your clothes.ASM has forfeited its right to be taken seriously. Atlas has shrugged — Student Government.

First, an Atlas Shrugged reference…that is awesome. Second, I, for one, will be wearing the joker.

This is not a right-left issue, it is a student issue. The 85 percent of students who do not vote in ASM elections have lost all hope in their government (or never found out what it is). That is how ASM has survived for so long. They hid in the shadows and they make backroom deals. They are driven by money…MY MONEY. So begins a revolution. Overall, the article was a good one. Not just because of what it said, but because of what it did not say. There were no promises that could not be kept, like ASM has done since I have been here. They promise to keep tuition down and they raise Seg-Fees. They promise keep Seg-Fees down, and they back a referendum that will increase fees 200 dollars a year! They lie and they lie to get re-elected. And so it begins…


A new "Student Government" is born

It was quite a scene earlier this evening as about 30 students met in the Rathskeller to mark their departure from the Associated Students of Madison once and for all. This comes a day after ASM once again screwed up an election.

The group of people at the front of the room where from all corners of the political spectrum, but most where in the middle. They had enough with the incompetence of ASM and demanded reform. Their plan is to form their own government (cleverly named "The Student Government").

Some quotes from the meeting:

“We are going to bring students in and involve them in the process.”

“There is no binding agreement that makes them the student government.”

“A Group that is not to the left and not to the right…some were involved in ASM, some were not”

Steve S.:
“ASM is massively inefficient, its an staggeringly unworkable system, its bloated, and reform efforts over the past 20 years have failed. Things must proceed in a new direction. The new direction is Student Government capital S and capital G.”

This is going to be one of the most interesting student government stories in many years. Here we have a group of young students setting up their own government and claiming that they deserve the same rights as ASM. When it comes to a city as crazy as Madison, is it really so hard to accept two student governments at the same campus? It is very true that ASM has become beholden to special interests and their entire purpose now is to fund certain groups and propagate certain beliefs. For many years, many have tried to improve student government and to make it more transparent to all, but, even when in the majority, the structure of the government has made it almost impossible to represent STUDENTS, not just a few ORGANIZATIONS.

That has to change and the Student Government (the new organization) has a great chance to do that. If the old system is broken and it is impossible to fix it, you just have to throw it out and start over. Here at Madison, one of the most progressive places in the country, we should want to experiment and create a NEW government. One that represents STUDENTS and their interests and protects their tuition and pocketbooks, not one that is concerned about a few ORGANIZATIONS and paying stipends. The same campus that created the “Wisconsin Idea” to government currently has one that is by in far inept.

This should be a good one to follow for everyone. I will be sure to update this blog whenever some thing new comes down the pipe.

Tomorrow they are meeting with Laurie Berquam (a representative of the Chancellors office) to discuss the new government. This should be interesting.

For audio from one of the leaders of the separatist movement, visit The Slanty Shanty.

Tomorrow expect:
An objective piece in the Daily Cardinal and the Badger Herald and an Opinion piece in the Herald. As well as a follow-up concerning the Laurie Berquam meeting.

As the "Madison Freedom Fighter" I live for stuff like this. So check back here FIRST for any late breaking news concerning this story. (LIB may be a bit faster in breaking the news as Steve is a leader in the Student Government)

30 March 2006


There is a coup at UW Madison and it could not be more apparent. I am not a conspiracy theorist and I may begin to sound like Bill A., but it is apparent that something is happening behind the scenes and it is not pretty.

I am not going as far as the SLAC folks, but one of their statements in the Herald was interesting.

“It looks awfully shady,” SLAC member Ashok Kumar said. “The election that is asking the most money out of students — the most important election [is cancelled] … by the power invested in Tim Leonard.”

It does indeed look shady. It is time that students stop just taking this abuse from the government. The power of government needs the consent of the governed and I no longer consent any power to this so called “government.”

I am by no means an anarchist, but I am a realist. This “student” government has become far too powerful and as finally broken the preverbal camel’s back. Instead of looking after all students, they protect an elite few. Instead of collecting seg-fees for the many, they collect it for the few. They are willing to do whatever it takes to pass this Union Referendum including destroying the democracy here at UW Madison. Don’t give ASM your consent any longer. Their vote is invalid and their leaders are inept (Eric Varney excluded). The day of ASM is beginning to set and in the twilight students will find a new voice.

Update: New Student Government is rising to power. The Daily Cardinal has a story that some students are getting together to form an alternative to ASM.

Citing “evident corruption and general incompetence” among other grievances against ASM, the group of students, including UW-Madison freshman and Dane County Board candidate David Lapidus­, said they plan to meet tonight at the Rathskellar to formulate the new government.


ASM chair and UW-Madison senior Eric Varney said the movement would need signatures from 10 percent of the student body to get a new student government proposal put on the ballot. If the new government wins by a two-thirds majority, ASM will be forced to disband, but only if 10 percent of the student body votes.

Here, Eric Varney is wrong. The vote only has to happen if Lapidus and the rest of the separatists hold the ASM constitution as valid. My inclination is that they don’t and therefore, they don’t have to follow ASM’s rules. Nowhere in state-statues does it say that ASM is the official Student Government of UW Madison, therefore, their rise to power is based largely on the consent of students and the lack of real competition has made them the default power in Madison. If the separatists do not recognize the ASM constitution, the “poison pill” option does not exist.

29 March 2006

The last helicopter: why the US must stay in Iraq

The Last Helicopter…

The Wall Street Journal had an excellent editorial today about the foreign perceptions of US Foreign policy. AMIR TAHERI, the article’s author, used the imagery of “the last helicopter” to set the scene.

(note: the link to the article doesn't work because it is for "subscribers only.")

To hear Mr. Abbasi tell it the entire recent history of the U.S. could be narrated with the help of the image of "the last helicopter." It was that image in Saigon that concluded the Vietnam War under Gerald Ford. Jimmy Carter had five helicopters fleeing from the Iranian desert, leaving behind the charred corpses of eight American soldiers. Under Ronald Reagan the helicopters carried the bodies of 241 Marines murdered in their sleep in a Hezbollah suicide attack. Under the first President Bush, the helicopter flew from Safwan, in southern Iraq, with Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf aboard, leaving behind Saddam Hussein's generals, who could not believe why they had been allowed (to) live to fight their domestic foes, and America, another day. Bill Clinton's helicopter was a Black Hawk, downed in Mogadishu and delivering 16 American soldiers into the hands of a murderous crowd.

I could not agree with this passage more. Every President since Ford has his “last helicopter” which pushed us out of a conflict. Bill Richardson, of the “Say No to Cut and Run”, a group opposed to the April 4th Referendum, said something similar at a panel last night. Each time we left a war zone in such a way, it has emboldened our enemies. It is time to end this cycle of running when the going gets tough.

The most interesting aspect of the piece was the fact that no foreign leader believes that the last helicopter will or could happen under Bush. But everyone in the middle east is preparing for 2008. Both allies and enemies are looking to the future and they see a President, be it Republican or a Democrat, who will leave the middle east. The new power broker is Iran in this world.

Mr. Ahmadinejad's (Iran’s President) defiant rhetoric is based on a strategy known in Middle Eastern capitals as "waiting Bush out." "We are sure the U.S. will return to saner policies," says Manuchehr Motakki, Iran's new Foreign Minister.

Mr. Ahmadinejad believes that the world is heading for a clash of civilizations with the Middle East as the main battlefield. In that clash Iran will lead the Muslim world against the "Crusader-Zionist camp" led by America. Mr. Bush might have led the U.S. into "a brief moment of triumph." But the U.S. is a "sunset" (ofuli) power while Iran is a sunrise (tolu'ee) one and, once Mr. Bush is gone, a future president would admit defeat and order a retreat as all of Mr. Bush's predecessors have done since Jimmy Carter.

Mr. Ahmadinejad also notes that Iran has just "reached the Mediterranean" thanks to its strong presence in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. He used that message to convince Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to adopt a defiant position vis-à-vis the U.N. investigation of the murder of Rafiq Hariri, a former prime minister of Lebanon. His argument was that once Mr. Bush is gone, the U.N., too, will revert to its traditional lethargy. "They can pass resolutions until they are blue in the face," Mr. Ahmadinejad told a gathering of Hezbollah, Hamas and other radical Arab leaders in Tehran last month.

(Emphasis added)
It is a sad state of affairs when Iran’s President Ahmadinejad, the same fellow who called for Israel to be “wiped off the map”, is waiting for Bush to leave office. He knows that Bush won’t bend to his tyranny, but he hopes that the next President will. This should be a lesson to every anti-war protestor out there. The truth is, and the dictators and tyrants of the middle east know it, is that George W. Bush is no match for them. Ahmadinejad even called the transformation in the middle east a “brief moment of triumph” for Bush. When his presidency is up, they expect that America will continue on its course of not caring about the rest of the world and retreat to our comfort zone.
This is why the anti-war movement in America is killing American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. All of our enemies are just “waiting Bush out.” They believe with every fiber of their essence that if they can wait just 2 more years, they will win. We as a nation must send the unequivocal message that we are in it for the long run, no matter who is President. Be them Democrat, Republican, or other, we, as a nation will not leave. This would kill the insurgency in a week, because all hope would be lost. The “last helicopter” would disappear from their dreams. But, instead, Madison is set to vote to pull out the troops, yet again, emboldening the insurgency.
We live in a dangerous world and our enemies, the ones that want to destroy America and kill Americans, are hoping that Bush leaves. It is disturbing when liberals and terrorists are on the same side of an issue: their hatred of Bush and his ideology. Well, this isn’t the first time liberals and terrorists have agreed on an issue, they both did want the patriot act defeated.

Herald misses the point...

I was mad last night after the socialists barged into the College Republican meeting and called everyone cowards, but after reading the Badger Herald this morning, I am furious.

The article, written by Drew Hamm, is all at once poorly written, extremely biased, and not based in reality.

Let’s break it down:

First the title: “Anti-war activist interrupts College Republicans”

Yeah, that did indeed happen. But that is not what the meeting was about and even though the anti-war folks were amusing and all, most of the speaking and attention was on the three Iraqi War veterans speaking to the audience. I blame this more on the news editor than the writer though. A better title: UW College Republicans hear from Veterans.

3rd and 4th paragraph:

Members of the UW Stop the War! movement attended the meeting to voice their support of the referendum. However, when Stop the War! member Chris Dols became too “disruptive,” two UW police officers asked him to leave.“It is a little hypocritical for them to publicly denounce Stop the War! when they won’t even debate us,” Dols said.

The first quote in the article is from Mr. Dols. Why is this? The event was about the anti-troop referendum they quote Mr. Dols after he is asked to leave the meeting. The writer also uses the infamous “editorial quotation” to describe him as disruptive. Well, as a witness to the event, Mr. Dols was extremely disruptive. He was physically unable to keep still when the veterans were talking and would not stop adding his two cents. It was only AFTER he called the panel and crowd cowards, after he pointed out that a veteran killed a child, after he was taken to the curb with FACTs, was he asked to leave after one of his 2 minute soliloquies. It is obvious he was never taught how to be quiet when others are talking. But the reporter found it so newsworthy to talk about it that he went on with dribble.

The overall opinion of the panelists was that they love the people of Iraq, and that the response from Americans has been overwhelmingly positive since returning home.

Don’t forget, Hamm, that they also preached time and time again that the Iraqi people WANTED THEM THERE. And that every one of the veterans said that those pushing this referendum are in fact AGAINST the troops.

The dialogue went back and forth for a majority of the meeting on whether or not the troops should leave.
No, it was more like:
Veterans: No, we should stay, we want to stay until the job is done.
Anti-war folks: No, all troops want to leave no.
Veterans: No, we want to stay and help the Iraqi people build a democracy.
Anti-war folks: You kill children and you want to come home.

The Anti-war folks must have found it disheartening and horribly ironic that the same folks that they want to bring home are willing to go back. The same folks that they want to save from this “evil war”, want to fight for the rights of the Iraqi people. Ha.
“We are all for getting these soldiers out of harm’s way,” Dols said. “I want you and all your friends home.”

Okay Chris, what if the soldiers WANT to stay in Iraq? Then what? The Reporter forgot about the quote from Mike Hahn which said that there are record re-enlistment numbers in the Army and impressive numbers in the Marine Corp. It seems that the reporter was more interested in Chris Dols than in the veterans at the front of the room.
This was one of the only topics that the two sides agreed on during the meeting.

No, they didn’t agree. Although they want everyone to come home, the veterans and all of their fighting friends still over there want to stay until the JOB IS DONE! Again, the reporter must have been outside the room at that point interviewing Chris Dols.
The College Republicans set up the “Vote No” panel to educate students on their views on the issue. Dols requested to be on the panel but was denied because he had views opposing the College Republicans’ stance.

Of course he was denied. He came to the meeting and just asked to be on the panel. Even though he was NOT on the panel, he still spoke out of turn and acted like a 5 year who no one wants to play with. He whined the entire meeting…obviously into the author’s year. This was a vote NO panel, it was designed to let the campus know the other side of the issue without the threat of rudeness and disrespect. The last time the College Republicans participated in a panel with the left, it was 1 on 5 and the conservative was hissed any time he spoke. That is not a debate, that is disrespect towards the first amendment. What right do the anti-war folks have to coming to our meeting and taking over? What right does Chris Dols have in coming into our meeting and being disrespectful. They have every right to come and listen and to ask short pointed questions, but after that, they are infringing on our first amendment rights. They by no means have or deserved the right to have a “heckler’s veto” at UW Madison. They are in the majority and they have decided to continue to oppress conservative thought. Only now, they have come to the one place that we can say something without the sighs or the hisses or the disrespect that we get in every class and in every other group on campus.
Dols and his constituents came into the meeting and called the College Republicans “cowards” for not debating him, which set off a yelling match between the panelists and Dols.

Yep, more talking about Dols. Again, the BH should be ashamed for running this piece.
Despite the differing opinions, Smith said she thought the meeting went well.

It did go well. It would have gone better if the anti-war folks would shut up and listen instead of assuming they are always right. There were 3 Iraq War veterans and instead of learning from their first person experiences, the anti-war kids “know” that their propaganda is right and the soldiers are wrong. For shame.“It is good for debate and discourse,” she said.She said she decided ahead of time that debate between the two sides would not be productive, however, as she said a “token conservative” at a Stop the War! meeting would just be “shouted down” and “attacked.”

This story was horrible and for the first time in a long time, the Daily Cardinal’s coverage was so much better that I cannot even compare the two. Drew Hamm should be fired…or sent to the Madison Observer, because with this kid of reporting, that is where he belongs.

From a paper who formed in opposition to the anti-war movement of the '60s, the Herald should be ashamed.

28 March 2006

CRs Overrun by Hippies

Tonight, the UW College Republicans were overrun by hippies. The CRs organized a "Vote No Panel" to get the facts out there about the anti-troop referendum that the City of Madison is holding next week. The panel was moderated by Madison's favorite radio personality, Vicki McKenna and included three Iraqi War Veterans.

As the meeting got underway, about a half dozen "Stop War Now" folks came into the room. Their leader, Chris Dols, lead the way. Of course, the anti-war folks are attracted to any form of media available and with reporters from the Herald and the Cardinal on hand, they could not resist in making a scene.

Be it calling the panel and the CRs "cowards" or talking so much out of turn that the UW Police had to escort him out of the room, Chris Dols was his normal self. Yes Chris, we get it, your parents did not pay attention to you as a kid and now you need everyone to pay attention to everything you say. Well, guess what, NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION. There were Iraq war veterans talking about what is happening over there and you could not keep you mouth shut for more than a minute. Shame on you!

Other than Dols, the rest of the hippies were pretty well behaved. The Vote NO panel did a great job in defending the Iraqi war and setting the record strait. The truth just hurts the anti-war folks so much that they don't want to listen.

They invited several of the veterans to a "public forum" to be held next week. As normal, any liberal forum includes 10 liberals, 1 conservative and a yelling crowd of folks who all agree with each other. It is to be held at library mall (sounds like a rally) and two of the veterans are going to participate. Odds are, they will be called baby killers and murderers.

The truth of the situation is simple: those that support this referendum are against the troops and don't understand what is happening over there. As the veterans said over and over again, if we pull out, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis will die in a horrible blood bath and the ba'athist regime will kill all of those that helped us thus far. Shame on you all!

Listen to my opinion on this and other issues at The Slanty Shanty

I'm Back...

Although all is well over at, I have decided to resurrect the original freedom fighter blog for two reasons. First, I am going to cross link to the site which should be good all around and second, because the layout is just so bad over there. I enjoy having a side bar!!!

So...I was just at a CR meeting and the anti-war folks called marines "cowards." More to come before this evening is over.