Fighting in the Heart of Liberal Madison for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This blog will focus on liberal hypocrisy and the small, but significant victories of the right at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

25 January 2006

Props to Doyle

You are not going to hear it often from me, but I will give Democratic Governor Jim Doyle some props today. As you may have heard, he went to Iraq to visited the troops there . I know that some bloggers around the state may view this as a political stunt, but I believe it is well-intended. He really does care about the troops in Iraq and I believe he supports the mission and the war.

Wisconsin National Guard troops serving in the Middle East have "high morale, a very clear sense of mission, and a very clear belief that it can be accomplished," Gov. Jim Doyle said in a teleconference from Baghdad today.

Doyle, who arrived in Iraq this morning, said he was visiting the country
primarily to see Wisconsin National Guard troops and "to make sure they know
that we are supporting them.
"There's no doubt the military feels they are on the right track," he said,
adding, "I'm not ready to declare what the foreign policy of the United States
should be."

(emphasis added)

The governor has been a true supporter of the troops through out his administration. He seldom misses a send off and this visit and his words underlines that fact. This comes a day after an LA Times reporter called for anti-war advocates to stop supporting the troops. Politics and indictments aside, Governor Doyle did something good today.

Updates: No Runny Eggs has commentary as well.


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