Fighting in the Heart of Liberal Madison for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This blog will focus on liberal hypocrisy and the small, but significant victories of the right at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

05 October 2005

Posse Comitatus Under Attack

Posse Comitatus is getting a look over as the President wants have the congessional authority to use the Active Duty Military to combat Avian Flu. According to the news story:
"It's one thing to shut down airplanes," Bush said. "It's another thing to prevent people from coming in to get exposed to the avian flu."

He urged Congress to give him the ability to use the military, if needed.

"I think the president ought to have all ... assets on the table to be able to deal with something this significant," he said.

What this means is that the President wants the authority to use the military to prevent the spread of the Avian Flu in America.

The active duty military has no place in civil matters in America. What could happen if there is an outbreak? Will the military, under the control of the President, call for the containment of an entire city? This is a state issue, if the governor wants to call up the National Guard, that is their discretion, but when the federal government starts getting involved, it crosses a line that was painted over 140 years ago.

Active Duty Soldiers have a War on Terror to focus on and fight, this will only distract them and spread the forces far too thin. Desease control is for some other civilian government agency.

UPDATE: Dad29 makes a good point: Does Bush want to curtail Posse Comitatus and state's rights to gain political points?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long live the Communists! And we don't mean the wimpy living-wage, worker-rights variety in the U.S, that only got us the 40 hour work week and workers comp. We're talking about the big boys the world-beater types, you know the SOVIET UNION. They managed to contain the US War Machine for almost 50 years (OK, Korea, Vietnam, Central America excepted). Think Missiles of October, if not for the Soviets, Cuba would be a cinder, no more great cigars and mambo. Think of nuclear tipped missiles that the Hawks are using as bunker busters. Think we'd be tossing out treaties and threatening every regime if the Russkies still had some fight in 'em. The world is sad to see them go. How much terrorism was there against the US when the USSR was around to limit US aggression and provide a much more tempting target for jihadist angst? That's right, when the Russkies were real men, we got to be the allies of Bin-Laden against godless Communism!

Thu Oct 13, 02:00:00 PM CDT

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long live the Communists! And we don't mean the wimpy living-wage, worker-rights variety in the U.S, that only got us the 40 hour work week and workers comp. We're talking about the big boys the world-beater types, you know the SOVIET UNION. They managed to contain the US War Machine for almost 50 years (OK, Korea, Vietnam, Central America excepted). Think Missiles of October, if not for the Soviets, Cuba would be a cinder, no more great cigars and mambo. Think of nuclear tipped missiles that the Hawks are using as bunker busters. Think we'd be tossing out treaties and threatening every regime if the Russkies still had some fight in 'em. The world is sad to see them go. How much terrorism was there against the US when the USSR was around to limit US aggression and provide a much more tempting target for jihadist angst? That's right, when the Russkies were real men, we got to be the allies of Bin-Laden against godless Communism!

Thu Oct 13, 02:00:00 PM CDT


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