Fighting in the Heart of Liberal Madison for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This blog will focus on liberal hypocrisy and the small, but significant victories of the right at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.

29 November 2005

Jim Doyle's Approval Rating Drops Again

The latest Gubernatorial tracking polls are out and Jim Doyle is in big trouble. Jim Doyle is the 37th most popular governor in the nation (out of fifty for the dems reading the blog). His approval rating is 45 percent and his disapproval rating is 49 percent. Jim hasn't seen the bright side of 50 percent since the poll began back in May.

Hey Jimbo, here is some advice for you. Stop vetoing good legislation and sign some bills into law and your approval rating may go up.

imagine what will happen when the special interest ads and the 2006 election cycle gets going!

28 November 2005

French Socialism a Success?

Over 6 homeless French citizens have died in the streets of France as winter edges closer. I guess the economically crippling high tax rate and the compassion of socialism is helping people (see French Riots).

23 November 2005

Madison 3rd Grade Class Asked to Write Anti-War Propaganda Letters

Vicki McKenna reported on it yesterday and it was on NBC 27 last night, but this is utterly ridiculous.:

The Frank Allis third grade assigned the following to students:

The Frank Allis third grade will be writing letters to encourage an end to the war in Iraq. The letter writing will teach civic responsibility, a social studies standard, while providing an authentic opportunity to improve composition skills and handwriting.
The assignment is basically to write 12 letters to everyone from other 3rd graders around the nation to congress, the Senate, and the media.

If the war has not ended by the 12th day [of the letter writing campaign] we will start the whole sequence over again, writing to students in middle school, high school, and college.

The third grade staff then have the audacity to ask parents to send 10 postage stamps and 12 envelopes. The teacher then gives parents the option to opt out of the assignment.

This is a basic problem with Madison and the group-think that exists here. These teachers are politicising THE THIRD GRADE!! A third grader doesn't know what is right or wrong (the age or reason in the State of Wisconsin is 12), so they will take the teacher's bias as FACT. Under no circumstances should children be put in this situation.

Here is a scanned image of the assignment:

Update: Vicki send me an update and said that the PRINCIPLE KNEW ABOUT THE ASSIGNMENT and let it go forward. This kind of political activism should NOT be tolerated in our public schools, yet you know it is going on. This is grade school, imagine what is being taught in middle school and high school (don't even get me started with college...we all know what the group-think is like at Universities!)

Update: The school district rescinded the assignment today. But the fact that it got this far is scary and the school district should take a good look at the Principle that let it get this far and the teachers that signed onto it!

22 November 2005

Chinese Spies at UW?

This post is long over due. With more and more reports coming in, it is becoming evident that Chinese students across the world are participating in espionage on many levels.

One report from Space Daily says that Chinese students in Europe are running an industrial spy ring.

The ring, the sources said, uses a group of students and internship seekers as a "front organization", with no obvious links to Chinese diplomats, and dozens of these agents are planted around northern Europe.

The report listed the Netherlands, Britain, Germany and France as places where the ring is operating and said that "it is trying today to plant moles in central

The reports spread beyond Europe. According to one defector in Australia, that country may have more than 1,000 Chinese spies alone, most of which are students.

Chen Yonglin, a Chinese diplomat who recently defected in Australia, claimed Beijing had as many as 1,000 spies in Australia alone.


China has sent 600,000 students overseas in the past 25 years as part of a conscious policy of developing its science, technology and business skills.


"It is very easy for Chinese companies or intelligence agencies to approach these students - who are often quite nationalistic - and get them to collect information that might be of either commercial or military interest," said Christian le Miere, Asia Editor of Jane's Country Risk.

The spy network is even more entrenched in America. According to the Epoch Times, there may be countless spies in America.

According to Xu Wenli, a pro-democracy advocate who was jailed for 12 years in China, the CCP actively recruits and sends students abroad to gather information for the government. Some of these students then move on to work for military and government contractors here in the U.S. all the while, gathering and sending information back to the CCP.

Now, I will beg the question, are there spies at UW Madison? The Chinese Government would be stupid not to send dozens here. UW has one of the best stem cell labs in the nation and is one of only a few dozen campuses with a nuclear reactor on it. With the expressed goal of collecting both industrial and military knowledge, it would make sense to steal UW work.

Furthermore, UW - Madison receives nearly 500 million dollars of federal funding and ranks in in the 10 ten for federal funding. There is a huge amount of research done at UW and there is nothing stopping a spy from working on, and copying lab results to send back to China, a nation that does not respect IP rights in the least.

So, what can be done? Here are my recommendations:

1. All foreign nationals at UW Madison should have to sign a pledge saying that they are not a spy and will not convey any sensitive information back to their home country. Any student that is found in violation to this pledge or refuses to sign it will not get a renewed student visa and will be sent from the country.

2. Certain labs (especially at the Graduate level) should require a background check that focuses on national ties and accesses security risks.

3. All foreign students should have to take a three credit "American History" course that emphasizes American accomplishments and contributions to the world (to broaden horizons).


21 November 2005

Another Anti-Recruiting Protest

I am really starting to get sick of these anti-ROTC, anti-recruiting protests. The latest one is planned for December 6 at 2pm at Library Mall. Once again, they are saying they are "for the troops", yet this is yet another example in a long list of anti-troop activities they have been involved in over the last year and a half.

Let's mobilize on Dec 6 to counter the military's ability to wage its illegal war and to support the right of universities to oppose military recruiting on their campuses.

Once again, these hyper-liberals have mixed up the issues. Military Recruiting on campuses give students an opportunity to join the military. These anti-troop folks are committed to denying students on OPPORTUNITY to join the armed services.

What angers me even more that trying to get recruiting off of campus is their attemps to force ROTC off of campus. This university prides itself on allowing students to major and minor in just about every possible educational pursuit (like Latin, a dead language), yet they are against students taking Military classes. These hyper-liberals are nothing more than hypocrites.

How can these people say they are "for the troops" yet they protest soldiers at recruiting stations and future soldiers on campuses across the country. Maybe instead of protesting these soldiers, you should thank them for protecting your right to be a moron. While your at it, find a OIF Vet and thank them for putting their life on the line in a war that you call worthless, see how they feel about that!

Anti-Recruiting = Anti-Troop. This is true for two reasons. First, you assume that people are getting "tricked" into joining the Military. Thus, you assume that YOU are smarter than millions of active duty and reserve military members and WE are all stupid for having signed up. We don't need your help, please use your massive intellect to cure cancer or something. The second reason why protesting the Army Recruiting Center is anti-troop is because you ARE PROTESTING SOLDIERS. The people in that office are NCOs (feel free to google that term now because most anti-troop folks don't know how the military runs anyways) and they are under orders to be there. You are protesting SOLDIERS!! Just say that you are anti-troop and stop this game. You look stupid doing it and it is kind of embarrassing.

Example of a flier for the anti-troop protests.

18 November 2005

What anti-war "movement"?

Wow, the House of representatives just got done with one of the most important debates in the last year. The resolution they debated said

"It is the sense of the House that deployment of US. Forces in Iraq be terminated immediately."

AND IT WAS JUST COMPLETELY DEFEATED. 3 to 403. Less than one percent of the House members voted for it. This is great news for the soldiers!

It was a phenomenal debate that what well over due. Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Tex) gave a very moving speech to end the debate. Sam Johnson was a POW in Vietnam and knows all too well what it feels like when a nation turns its back on the soldiers.

All of those anti-war extremists on this campus must now know that they are alone. Where was Tammy Baldwin to help you? She even voted against this resolution! Ha, your "movement" is dead and I am smiling ear to ear!

08 November 2005

Madison to host VETERANS' DAY PARADE

Flash: Madison will host the first Veterans' Day parade in 30 years this Friday. Some students are organizing it and it should be a great time. They kicked off a week of events yesterday with a press conference that was picked up by the campus dailys as well as WPR and AM 1310. For the first time in a long time, Madison has a chance to become REASONABLE.

The Badger Herald did some great reporting and had this to say:

As part of their Support the Troops Campaign and Soldier Appreciation Week on
campus, ASM officials said they are attempting to dispel the Madison and University of Wisconsin liberal "nuance" toward not supporting the military. Because many students and alumni of the university are also soldiers, the events are intended to bring a non-political resurgence of support for them during wartime.


"This is the first year in a long time that they've had a veteran's [parade]," Vice Chair of the Support the Troops campaign Robert Thelen said. Really, we just wanted to get it going.

Thelen said since the infamous riots in the 60s in protest of the Vietnam War, Madison has carried a typecast as being unsupportive of the military. The events of this week aim to breakdown that misconception.

"We want to take away the negative stereotype and show that Madison is a reasonable place and a place that respects soldiers," he said. Thelen added the parade is quite possibly the first since the mid-80s.

Today, ROTC cadets (Joint Service: Air Force and Army) continued the "Tribute to Veterans" by placing over 2500 flags in the ground at Library Mall and dreveilleass revielle. The purpose of threveilleand revielle is to raise awareness of Veterans' Day.

03 November 2005

Some anti-war and pro-victory pictures

The Pro-victory rally (left) was larger than the anti-war walk out (above) on the top of Bascom.

Photos: Jwick

Check out J-Wicks blog for some Anti-war rally photos (notice the size of the student walk out on the top of Bascom and how excited they are to be there) and the pro-victory rally.

As a side note, a Wisconsin State Journal reporter said something interesting as we were walking past the anti-war folks.

You know who wins a protest by who has the hotter girls....your side (pro-victory) wins hands down.

You are damn strait!

02 November 2005

Early Media Returns show Victory for Conservatives at Madison

It is almost midnight and the reports about our rally we have gotten from the MSM have been very favorable.

NBC 15 has this story:

Supporters gathered today to thank the troops serving overseas, while opponents of the war gathered to say it's time to bring American soldiers home.

About 30 UW Madison student members of the College Republicans rallied in support of the troops near University Square downtown.Those in attendance say
they came together to show their backing of the war and the President's promise
to help rebuild Iraq.

"We believe in the concept that we have to be pro-victory in this country on the war on terror, says Robert Thelen. Currently we have about 130,000 troops in Iraq, and we want to make sure the President follows through on his promise to stay the course in Iraq."

Thelen says he and other supporters worries that pulling out the troops prematurely would cause thousands to lose their lives.Ralliers also thanked military recruiters for their work by dropping off thank you cards to ROTC officials at their recruiting office in University Square.

The piece then goes into the liberal perspective, but the point is that the conservatives got the lead in the story. We were on equal ground for once. The media, instead of playing us off as the reactors (which we were not), we were equal to their rally.

The ABC story was not as balanced, but it is still pretty good for the MSM:
Bob Thelen/College Republican says, "If they're for the troops why are they against them on our campus." Robert Gerndt/Against War says, "I'm a retiree of the Air Force, so I'm very much in support of the troops, but that doesn't mean you have to support Bush." And it wasn't just a message against the President and the war. Genis/Against War says, "Let the military recruiters know they're not welcome on campus." Thelen/Support Troops says, 'It's interesting that these people that preach tolerance here are intolerant of recruiters and ROTC's cadets on this campus
It was balanced about 30-70 in favor of the anti-war folks, but that is nothing new with the MSM. Overall though, we struck back against these folks and made sure another side to the story is heard.

What is disturbing though, is that the college republicans on this campus pulled theweightght. We had more students than the Anti-victory folks, but they beat us with the arrival of the 40-year-old-plus crowd (by some estimates, over 70 percent were '70s era hippies). Where were all of the pro-victory middle age folks? The truth of the matter is, the College Republicans in Madison have been more active than the Republican Party in this area.

For the first time ever, the youth are the heart of the conservative movement. This must scare the hell out of liberals.

Let's see what the Captimes and the WSJ writes about us tomorrow!

Pro-Victory Rally was a success

Update: LIB has some great photos of the rally!
Jenna has some good points about the rally as well.

Today, the war on crazy liberalism had yet another victory here at UW-Madison. The socialists and anti-America folks here have been planning a "huge anti-war walk out" for a couple of months now. As I reported in a previous post, the rhetoric was blatantly anti-troop and anti-ROTC. Of course, all of the freedom fighters on this campus could not stand for that.

First, we presented the Army Recruiter at University Square a large thank-you card signed by all of the College Republicans. Talk about being in enemy territory, this guy is surrounded by people that hate him. When he came to the door, we was very happy. He even gave us all water bottles!

Then, we sang some patriotic songs and moved to the pedestrian bridge over University Ave. We did some standard flag waving and cheering. It was a lot of fun.

When our reckon team got back and told us the pathetic numbers of the opposition (under 150 total, most of which were over 40 years of age!). We decided to meet the enemy head on. We marched over there chanting "We support the troops" and "Until the job is done". Of course the hippies were a little taken back by the fact that there are other people out there that do not agree with them. Following a couple more songs and chants, we did some press interviews, had a press conference, and called it a day.

These anti-war folks just don't get it. Out of a University of 40,000, they got 35 people to walk out. Out of a city of over 150,000, they got 150 people to a rally. There is a silent majority out there that is getting louder every day.

The sad truth of the matter is, most of those people want another Vietnam; they want America to lose this war. The good news is, they are going to back a green against Kohl. As one speaker said, they are "done riding the Donkey". That is good news for the Repubs!

Today, the pro-victory movement had yet another victory in America. Watch the news tonight and read the papers tomorrow to see how the MSM handles this. My guess is we will get 30-70 coverage.

01 November 2005

MSM Just doesn't get it

The 27 News at 10 tonight started with the voice over: "Iraq war takes another Wisconsin life."

If you don't see the bias in that statement, then you are a cold-hearted liberal.